This page provides links to media coverage and op-eds related to our our work.
- El BCE presenta un embrión de bono europeo con el «no» de Berlín (February 2, 2018, ABC Economia)
- A safe asset is devised for the euro zone (February 1, 2018, The Economist)
- Streit um verbriefte Europa_Staatsbonds (January 31, 2018, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung)
- Safe assets and how to protect the euro from the next crisis (January 30, 2018, RTE)
- Il «super bond» europeo farebbe bene alle banche e all’Italia (January 30, 2018, Il Sole 24 Ore)
- Regrouper les dettes pour réduire les risques (January 30, 2018, Agefi)
- A rare chance to create a pan-eurozone safe asset (January 30, 2018, Financial Times)
- Experten Stüzen Safe-Asset-Konzept (January 30, 2018, Börsen-Zeitung)
- Kein Stein des Weisen (January 30, 2018, Handelsblatt)
- Börsen-Zeitung: Kein Allheilmittel, Kommentar zu European Safe Bonds von Mark Schrörs (January 30, 2018, Presseportal)
- Cartolarizzare i titoli di Stato europei si può. Ecco come partire (January 29, 2018, Il Sole 24 Ore)
- El BCE propone la creación de un bono de titulización de deuda soberana (January 29, 2018, Expansión)
- El BCE propone un bono para la Eurozona que funciona como los que desencadenaron la crisis en EEUU (January 29, 2018, elEconomista)
- Group led by Philip Lane proposed new class of safe financial asset (January 29, 2018, Irish Times)
- Task force urges eurozone rule change for common securities (January 29, 2018, Financial Times)
- Tranche warfare: uphill struggle for euro safe bonds (January 29, 2018, Risk.nets)
- EZB befeuert Diskussion um umstrittenes Finanzinstrument (January 29, 2018, Wirtschafts Woche)
- Cartolarizzare i titoli di Stato europei si può. Ecco come partire (January 29, 2018, Mondo)
- Verbriefte Sicherheit für den Euro (January 29, 2018, Handelsblatt)
- Un activo seguro para Europa (January 29, 2018, El PaÍs)
- ESRB Task Force Plan for Euro Safe Assets Is Said to Be Ready (January 19, 2018, Bloomberg)
- ΕΚΤ: Σχέδιο σωτηρίας από χρεοκοπίες με ευρωομόλογα (January 19, 2018, To Bhma)
- The Grand Inquisitor of Europe (May 29, 2017, Il Fogli)
- Tied hands: the illusionary long term benefits of Italy’s euro exit (May 18, 2017, Il Sole 24Ore)
- The weird Macron plan (May 10, 2017, PR-Online)
- The “public” Athens-Paris request for debt and not Berlin (May 9, 2017, Capital)
- The plan for Europe not to be overwhelmed by the Italian public debt (May 4, 2017, L’Espresso)
- A Safe Asset for Europe (April 28, 2017, FT alphaville)
- Brussels proposes to create eurobonds ‘light’ and a Treasury to shore up the eurozone (March 31, 2017, Expansion)
- Bond sovereigns in the euro area “So we will strengthen the banks” (March 28, 2017, Corriere Della Sera)
- An Idea to Revolutionize Europe’s Debt Could Be Coming of Age (November 6, 2016, Bloomberg)
- Bond backed by ECB debt stash may help wind down QE -report’s author (October 12, 2016, Reuters)
- Debt, but Correct (February 5, 2017, SZ)
- ESBies: How the ECB bonds can get rid of… (January 27, 2017, FAZit)
- “Economic Thinkers Try to Solve the Euro Puzzle” (July 31st, NY Times)
- “Fiskalpakt durchbricht den Teufelskreis nicht” (May 4th 2012, WELT ONLINE)
- Spain, a Housing Bubble and Who Knew What (April 24th, 2012)
- The Julis-Rabinowitz Center for Public Policy and Finance (April 28th 2012, Kantoos Economics)
- Inaugural Conference “European Crisis: Historical Parallels and Economic Lessons” (April 19th – 20th 2012)
- Rebalancing, monetary policy and ESBies (April 6th 2012)
- ESBies – ein Ansatz zur Bewältigung der Schuldenkrise? (January 20th, 2012)
- Synthetic Bonds Are the Answer to Euro-Area Crisis (October 21st 2011, Harald Uhlig, Bloomberg Business Class)
- EZ crisis: Ireland’s recovery, European Safe Bonds and a reform agenda for the Eurozone (October 7th 2011, VOXEU audio interview with Philip R. Lane)
- Wanted: ESBies not Eurobonds (October 6th 2011, Gernot Doppelhofer, NHH Blog)
- Sichere Anleihen für Europa! (October 5th 2011, KANTOOS blog)
- The article in the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung discusses our ESBies proposal (October 4th, 2011)
- This Kathimerini article provides an overview of our proposal in Greek (October 2nd, 2011)
- The Belgian newspaper De Tijd published an article on October 2nd, 2011
- This WSJ article provides an overview of our proposal for European Safe Bonds (ESBies). (September 27th, 2011)
- This Dinheiro Vivo (Diario de Noticias) article provides an overview, in Portuguese (September 27th, 2011)
- This Corriere della Sera article explains ESBies in Italian (September 27th, 2011)
- This Irish Times article places the proposal in the context of overall reform of the European banking system (September 27th, 2011)
- This ElPais front-page article provides an overview of our proposal in Spanish (September 27th, 2011)
- Euro-nomics; European Safe Bonds (ESBies) (September 26th 2011)
- European Safe Bonds (ESBies) (September 26th 2011)
A key motivation to form this group is to combine our individual country specific knowledge together with our economic expertise. If you have country specific questions or come from a national media organization, your ideal contact person is:
- Markus Brunnermeier for Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Central Europe and Scandinavia
- Luis Garicano for Spain and UK
- Philip Lane for Ireland and UK
- Marco Pagano for Italy
- Ricardo Reis for Portugal
- Tano Santos for Spain
- David Thesmar for France
- Stijn van Nieuwerburgh for the Benelux states
- Dimitri Vayanos for Greece
Of course, you can contact any of us.
Additional contacts:
- Elisabeth Donahue, Associate Dean for Public and External Affairs, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University, 609-258-5988,
- Joanne Hvala, Associate Dean, Marketing and External Relations, New York University Stern School of Business, 212-998-0995,
- Jessica Neville, Executive Director of Communications, New York University Stern School of Business, 212-998-0666 or 416-516-7677,
- Sona Rai, Senior Media Relations Manager, Columbia Business School, 212-854-5955,
- Jane Trombley, Director, Public Relations, Columbia Business School, 212-851-4338,