Media Coverage

This page provides links to media coverage and op-eds related to our our work.


A key motivation to form this group is to combine our individual country specific knowledge together with our economic expertise. If you have country specific questions or come from a national media organization, your ideal contact person is:

Of course, you can contact any of us.

Additional contacts:

  • Elisabeth Donahue, Associate Dean for Public and External Affairs, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University, 609-258-5988,
  • Joanne Hvala, Associate Dean, Marketing and External Relations, New York University Stern School of Business, 212-998-0995,
  • Jessica Neville, Executive Director of Communications, New York University Stern School of Business, 212-998-0666 or 416-516-7677,
  • Sona Rai, Senior Media Relations Manager, Columbia Business School, 212-854-5955,
  • Jane Trombley, Director, Public Relations, Columbia Business School, 212-851-4338,